Here Is How Remote Workers Can Find Workspaces

Remarkably, an estimated 16% of global businesses are now fully remote, with 73% of all departments anticipated to employ remote workers by 2028. And, let’s face it, who wouldn’t appreciate the convenience of working remotely? You have more time and freedom, you get to avoid the rush hour traffic, no more being crammed into the metro like sardines, and to top it all off, you are paid around 8% more than non-remote workers.

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With that in mind, it’s no wonder we find ourselves amid the great resignation, with workers across all industries and job types starting to see the profound benefits of working from their laptops.

Finding Workspace As A Remote Worker

Of course, if you’re new to the world of remote working, the first thing you need to figure out is where your new workspace is going to be. For some people, that means working from home and setting up a new office. For others, it’s seeking out a co-working space or coffee shop in their town or city.

On the other hand, one of the most attractive perks of working remotely is the location independence it brings, giving rise to the era of the digital nomad and the laptop ex-pats. On that note, here are three platforms to help you find your new remote working space so you can continue to reap the rewards of telecommuting no matter where you are in the world.


As more companies adopt a remote working culture, property investors are rising to meet new rental demands which is why more flexible living apartments are being offered than ever before. Of course, this is great news for remote workers who like to hop from one place to the next, spending a few months in each city without having to worry about signing up for a long-term rental agreement and paying expensive security deposits. So, how can you locate the best flexible living place in your city? Look no further than Rentberry.

Rentberry is a secure, reliable, and transparent property rental platform that connects tenants and landlords via a patented technology. The platform allows users to submit and negotiate custom offers online, eliminating the inconveniences of paper-based applications and under-the-table bidding wars. The San Francisco-based company developed the first global real estate platform to provide a fully digital rental journey, automating all the rental tasks, thus making the entire experience efficient and contact-free.

With Rentberry, tenants can carry out virtual tours, eSign rental agreements, submit all personal information (such as credit reports and other necessary information) and can even negotiate rental fees with landlords freely on the platform. So far, the Company has already secured over $15 million from high-profile investors, including prominent venture capital firms, and currently boasts over 1 million monthly active users. In 2020, the company processed over 11 million properties from more than 40 countries through its platform and is expecting to double those figures by the end of 2021.


If you don’t want to hire an entire apartment as a workspace, there are plenty of other options to consider. One of the most popular picks for remote workers is co-working spaces, as they offer a great work environment and all of the same amenities that you would expect from a typical office. However, rather than everybody in the office working for the same company, co-working spaces are filled with freelancers, remote workers, digital nomads, and everything in between, which creates an excellent atmosphere that boosts productivity and brings tons of networking opportunities.

To make it easier to find co-working spaces in your area, Copass has established the world’s first global federation of collaborative workspaces that currently partners with over 1200 workspaces across 659 cities in 91 counties. Rather than signing up for a new membership with each city or space that you visit, Copass offers a monthly membership that grants access to all of their sites worldwide, which means you can guarantee a great place to work no matter where you are.

To make things even better, Copass allows you to check in online with their cashless service, and all plans are 100% flexible, meaning you can cancel any time, which is handy if you are only working remotely on a temporary basis. The cherry on top is that their platform is integrated with Airbnb and Couchsurfing, which are great for meeting up with people who may be able to help you find a place to stay when visiting new cities.


Workfrom is an awesome tool that every remote worker would benefit from. The platform acts as a powerful search engine that helps you find the best co-working spaces, coffee shops, and open spaces in some of the most popular destinations in the world. The best part about their service is that all of the working spaces they include within their search engine have been vetted, so you know what you’re in for before you arrive.  This allows Workfrom to provide provides essential information about the workspaces that they recommend, such as:

Average WiFi speed Opening hours Level of background noise Whether or not they serve food, drinks, or alcohol Power outlet availability

You can even create (or join) a personalized virtual workspace that makes it easy to drop in, mingle, and collaborate on the fly online. Overall, it’s a super handy tool for every type of remote worker, especially those who want to mix up their scenery every once in a while and find a new place to get productive.

Updated on Sep 10, 2021, 11:14 am

Source valuewalk