Here's 1 High-Yield Dividend Stock You Can Trust

The COVID-19 crisis was not kind to real estate investment trusts (REITs). The mortgage REIT sector was pummeled by margin calls, and mall REITs were shut down for months. While every REIT saw a decline in collections, the triple-net lease REITs performed the best. One triple-net lease REIT is STORE Capital (NYSE:STOR), which is a major holding of Berkshire Hathaway. Here are three reasons why the Oracle of Omaha likes the stock -- and why Foolish investors might, too.

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STORE -- short for Single Tenant Operational Real Estate -- had 2,634 properties and 519 different customers at the end of 2020. Service industries (restaurants, education and health clubs) accounted for 65% of rents last year, while manufacturing and retail made up the rest.

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