Here's How Saving Just $10 Per Day for 30 Years Can Create a $1 Million Portfolio

Don't think you can save enough for retirement? What if you tried to cut $10 per day from your expenses and put that money toward an exchange-traded fund (ETF)? By doing that, you could potentially build up a portfolio worth $1 million by the time you retire.

It's an ambitious goal to meet. But if you can find a way to save $10 per day, or $300 per month, the payoff could be substantial. Here's how you could turn that level of savings into a $1 million portfolio, without having to take on any significant risk along the way.

A good first step for anyone looking to invest on a regular basis is to find a few investments to put that money into every month. That can ensure that your process is as close to automatic as it can be; there's no need to analyze stocks every month and turn the process into a whole production. Instead, finding a few diversified ETFs can be a way to make investing as easy as possible.

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