Here's How You Can Generate an Extra $10,000 in Dividends per Year in Retirement

Having an extra $10,000 per year can make the difference between a comfortable retirement and a stressful one. That extra cash can help you to stay on top of bills or perhaps even fund a vacation. Generating dividend income can be a great way to supplement your retirement earnings and make you less dependent on other sources of cash.

Below, I'll show you how investing in fairly safe exchange-traded funds (ETFs) can pave the way for a much more comfortable retirement.

To generate $10,000 in dividends per year, you'll need to have around $250,000 in your portfolio. With that amount of money, you could collect a 4% yield from an ETF or multiple investments, and that would be enough to provide you with $10,000 per year in dividends. While you could target higher-yielding investments, which would require less money, those options often come with more risk.

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