Here's My Top Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock to Buy and Hold

Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to transform multiple industries ranging from smartphones to personal computers, automotive, digital advertising, and cloud computing. Investors should look for potential AI winners in these niches as they could deliver healthy gains on the stock market.

The cloud AI market, for instance, is forecasted to clock annual growth of more than 32% through 2029, according to Mordor Intelligence, generating $274 billion in annual revenue at the end of the forecast period. Major cloud computing providers such as and Amazon are some of the names that could help investors capitalize on this tremendous opportunity.

However, I'd like to take a closer look at DigitalOcean (NYSE: DOCN), a cloud company that recently released its quarterly results and suggests that AI-related demand is going to exceed supply. Let's look at the reasons DigitalOcean could turn out to be a top AI stock in the long run.

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