Here's What Investors Should Know About Amazon's AI Strategy, and Its $4 Billion Anthropic Bet

The artificial intelligence (AI) revolution kicked into a higher gear this year. In January, Microsoft added $10 billion to its $3 billion stake in ChatGPT developer OpenAI, and that kicked off an arms race among tech giants to embed AI technologies into their businesses.

Google parent  raced to release its Bard chatbot so as not to fall behind its rival, and it's also rapidly building out its portfolio of cloud-based AI tools for businesses.

But Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) -- which operates the world's largest cloud platform -- initially seemed to be missing from the AI conversation. Below, I'll explain how the company is making up ground at a lightning-fast pace, with a little help from what could end up being a $4 billion September bet on AI start-up Anthropic.

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