Here's What Medicare Part B Costs and Covers in 2020

If you're over 65, odds are good that you'll rely on Medicare as a vital piece of your financial plan. If you're looking for the most basic Medicare coverage, then you'll typically want the combination of hospital and doctor coverage that traditional Medicare provides. Alternatively, you can go with a Medicare Advantage plan that gets similar coverage through a private insurance company. For those needing prescription drug coverage, Medicare Part D can give you what you need under either traditional Medicare or Medicare Advantage.

Doctor visits are a key part of making sure you're healthy in retirement, and that's where Medicare Part B comes in. Here, we'll take a closer look at what Part B covers and how much it'll cost in 2020.

Part B is the portion of Medicare that provides financial help for outpatient services and treatments that are medically necessary. The most common cost covered by Part B is the cost of visiting a doctor. But there are many other services that Part B covers, such as diagnostic tests, ambulance services, medical equipment, mental-health services, and second opinions under many circumstances. To be medically necessary, the services must help medical professionals address a disease or medical condition as they go through the process of detection, diagnosis, and cure.

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