Here's What Today's Top Companies Want You to Know Before Applying

In today's job market, it never hurts to go the extra mile to give yourself an edge. While perfecting your resume and brushing up on your interview skills can help you land a great job, it also helps to know what today's hottest companies are after. Glassdoor recently compiled a list of the best places to work, and according to the hiring managers and executives who decide which applicants to hire, here are some of the qualities they're looking for in job candidates.

It's helpful to go into an interview with a solid set of universal skills because the truth is that you need those qualities to get hired. But employers often look for more than just generic work skills; they look for passion. And unlike the sort of skills you can teach yourself, like spreadsheets and software, passion is something you really can't force. Rather, it needs to come naturally. So as you embark on your job search, figure out what it is that really drives you, and apply to those roles that seem like a natural fit. If you show that you really believe in the company you're applying to work for or the product you're being hired to develop or sell, you stand a better chance of getting hired.

Image source: Getty Images.

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