Here's What You Need to Know About Affirm Holdings in 2022

Affirm Holdings (NASDAQ: AFRM) stock certainly wasn't short on drama in 2021. From a January initial public offering price of $49 per share to a February high near $147, to a May low of $46.50 back to a November peak of $176.65, followed by a slide back to its current price near $79, the buy now, pay later outfit has taken shareholders on quite a roller-coaster ride.

At least a good portion of that volatility can be chalked up to the newness of the stock and the industry. That shouldn't be nearly as much of a factor in 2022, however, now that investors are getting a firm grip on the organization as well as its short-term lending business. From here, Affirm shares are more likely to reflect the underlying business, and less likely to be pushed and pulled by hype and headlines.

Image source: Getty Images.

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