Here’s When Bill Gates Predicts We Can Reopen the Economy

The COVID-19 news coming from the U.S. and Europe is no doubt distressing, but it's important to keep a level head. Cases have risen sharply across the country, prompting the Trump administration to send the national guard to hardest-hit states of New York, California, and Washington state. Ohio and Louisiana recently announced their own stay-at-home orders. Senator Rand Paul became the first member of Congress to be diagnosed with COVID-19.

As much of the country goes on lockdown, there's a lot of uncertainty as to how long much of the American population will need to keep a social distance or hunker down in their homes, which will come with both social and economic consequences. While Congress may pass some sort of relief package soon, Republicans and Democrats are still negotiating the details of how much money will go to what entities.

However, if the experiences of China and South Korea are any guide, there may come a point when the number of U.S. cases comes down and the economy will be able to open up once again. Gates foundation founder Bill Gates thinks we can get back to normal in about six to 10 weeks, if we do everything right. Here's how.

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