Here's Why Companies Should Offer Flexible Work Schedules

If there's one thing Americans aren't known for, it's for being slackers. In fact, 40% of U.S. employees put in more than 50 hours a week on the job, while 20% work more than 60 hours. Furthermore, many of those who fall into the aforementioned statistics aren't overtime-eligible, which means they're busting their tails for the mere satisfaction that comes with a job well done.

It's surprising, then, that a large number of companies still insist on having employees report to work at a certain hour, and leave at a certain hour (or later, of course), with very little wiggle room in between. Even workers who consistently put in 50 hours or more per week are often tied to a basic schedule, and are left at their managers' mercy when it comes to leaving early or getting in a bit late.


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