Here's Why I Don't Care About Black Friday Sales

It's crunch time for retailers as the holiday season gets in full swing. Financial media will be full of headlines about Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales results, and analysts will be focused on data to gauge consumer sentiment. While consumer strength is an important economic indicator, my investment strategy won't be changing this week -- even for my retail stock holdings.

Some of the data and news out there is truly pivotal for investment analysis, no matter what your strategy is. However, there's an overload of information, and the majority of what you can consume is just "noise."

Noise might seem important, but it doesn't actually have any bearing on your outcomes. There are tens of thousands of articles published daily about the stock market and the economy. Each stock has thousands of metrics and ratios available for analysis from hundreds of sources. They can't all possibly be applicable in any meaningful way to every person.

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