Here's Why I Wouldn't Touch Apple Stock With a 10-Foot Pole

For years, 's (NASDAQ: AAPL) stock was a bedrock position in many people's portfolios. The company's growth, combined with the relative value of the stock, made it a no-brainer, and investors have been rewarded as a result. Over the past five years, Apple is up around 300% while the S 500 increased around 100%.

Any investor should be satisfied with this level of broader market outperformance, but those days may be over. The two factors (growth and value) that made Apple so compelling years ago no longer exist today. As a result, I wouldn't touch Apple stock with a 10-foot pole.

First, I'll tackle Apple's growth aspect. Apple's largest product line, the iPhone, has matured over the past decade. In earlier generations, each annual technological leap made it feasible to upgrade from year to year. This technological leap has narrowed, and consumers aren't as likely to upgrade as frequently. In the second quarter of fiscal year 2024 (ended March 30), Apple's iPhone sales fell nearly 11% year over year.

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