Here's Why Some Cryptocurrency Investors Think There's a Meme Coin Supercycle Right Now

One of the most popular narratives among cryptocurrency investors over the last six months is that the crypto sector is currently at the very start of a "meme coin supercycle" that will send meme coin valuations into the stratosphere. Such claims have been made for past cryptocurrency bull runs, too -- and whether or not they were proven true, investors who were properly positioned made out like bandits.

So let's take a beat to dive into the meme coin supercycle hypothesis to see how plausible it is, and how you can make money from the ongoing surge of interest in the segment, whether or not the loftier predictions become reality.

The halving of Bitcoin's (CRYPTO: BTC) mining reward, which occurred in late April, is proposed as the starting gun for the supercycle. The theory goes that once Bitcoin's price adjusts upward to account for the permanent reduction in further supply of new coins via mining, it'll carry the rest of the cryptocurrency ecosystem along for the ride, either immediately or after its own bull run peters out. The idea is that investors will be willing to liquidate some of their supposedly enormous gains to chase growth elsewhere once Bitcoin's momentum dies down.

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