Here's the Net Worth and Income You Need to Reach the Top 10% of American Households

The Federal Reserve conducts its Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) every three years. The SCF provides a financial snapshot of American households across demographic and economic groups, detailing their asset ownership, debt burden, and income.

The 2022 SCF (the most recent installment) was published in October 2023. American households reported a median income of $70,200 and a median net worth of $192,700. For context, median refers to the middle value, or 50th percentile, meaning half of surveyed households reported more income and wealth, and the other half reported less.

To rank among the top 10%, or 90th percentile, American households needed to report a minimum income of $248,600 and a minimum net worth of $1.94 million. However, those figures encompass adults of all ages. Readers who want to benchmark their financial status against that of the broader population should focus on their specific age group.

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