How Charitable Organizations are Using Social Media For Fundraising

The world is rapidly changing, and so are the ways in which we all engage and connect with different users around the world. This can clearly be seen through the massive implementation of the internet and social media, in nearly all facets.

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If you were to ask any organization or brand in the world today on how they would spend a million dollars on advertising, nearly all of them would not say television ads or print advertising.

This is simply because these are ‘old world’ methods that are still super expensive, yet they aren’t providing the interaction and ROI that online marketing methods can deliver.

Charitable and non-profit organizations of all types are discovering this on a daily basis, and this is also why you are seeing little-to-no television ads and print campaigns for donation requests and solving world hunger. The majority of these efforts are now focused solely online -- and for good reason.

With all of this in mind, today we are going to highlight some of the many ways charitable organizations continue to use the internet and social media to increase awareness, bring in more donations, and also connect with millions of new users on a daily basis.

Social Media is Now the Main Focus for Many Charitable Organizations

For most charitable organizations, social media is one of the most effective ways to not only get up and running, but to also see the best return on investment -- whether that be time, effort or financial resources.

Through the use of social media, any individual, brand or organization has the ability to tap into more than three billion users, while also not being limited to how many times they can send out messages, or being limited on the amount of engagement, feedback and leads that come with it.

WE Charity is a great example of a charitable organization that has not only gone headfirst into their social media efforts, but they’ve also seen some amazing results as well. With just under three million followers and fans on their Facebook Fan Page, and another million-plus following their organization through Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn, it’s quite amazing to see what they’ve been able to accomplish in such a short amount of time.

The good news here is that they are just a single example out of millions. In fact, many charitable organizations have several hundreds of thousands of followers and fans online, which all play a huge role in spreading charitable awareness, while also helping to bring in donations and resources towards their common goals of helping those in need.

Opening New Opportunities with Influencer Marketing

However, if you were to simply state that “social media is a great medium for charities”, you would be missing the big picture. Growing a massive audience is great, but you also need to have the right user engagement and a positive ROI for all of the time, work and effort that goes into building a charitable organization in the online world these days.

One of the best ways to accomplish this, while also stepping up your game, is to consider your options with influencer outreach methods across all of the major platforms. It’s one thing to grow your charitable organization on your own, and it’s another to partner with other big players that already have millions of followers in place.

This concept is nothing new, but it is a whole lot easier and more effective when being done online and through influencer marketing. You’ve likely seen several examples of this in the past when a paid spokesperson is pushing a commercial on television. This is all done because of the branding and authority that comes with that individual celebrity personality.

With there now being millions of micro-influencers spanning across all of the top social networking platforms, this allows for a much more personalized approach, while also reaching a lot more users in the process.

The Internet Helps Bring Legitimacy to Charitable Groups

Anyone can start a website or blog and say they are a charitable organization, but how many of them are actually out there and helping the cause. How many of them are using their donations and resources wisely?

These questions and many more can be answered thanks to the many different resource sites and charity rating and review sites available online.

In addition to having an active website and social profiles across all of the major platforms, it’s also important to make sure all of your latest charitable information is updated and available online as well.

Making sure your charitable organization is listed on trusted websites like Charity Navigator can help in this process, while also helping to secure your place as one of the more trusted foundations in the world today.

Charitable Efforts in the Age of the Internet and Social Media

A little more than twenty years ago, the internet started to change everything about the world we live in. It started with companies like AOL getting people online, and then the likes of taught many of us how to buy products online. Over time we started to see the introduction of social media and mobile usage overtake the internet and quickly become a part of our daily lives.

For charitable organizations of all types, the next phase in the process is to focus their efforts on these inevitable methods that relate best with different audiences, while attracting their attention much more than a classic television commercial or paid advertisement in a magazine would.

As more organizations and foundations continue to focus their efforts on the internet and social media, we will likely continue to see them make a bigger impact in their resources and reach to help others as well.

The next time you see a social profile, a status update or even an online fundraising supporting something you are passionate about -- be sure to give it a like or share, and do your part in helping to help those in need.

The post How Charitable Organizations are Using Social Media For Fundraising appeared first on ValueWalk.

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