How Chipotle Can Recover From Its Newest Rash Of Bad News

Since 2015, Chipotle (NYSE: CMG) has done a lot to make their food safer for consumers, but apparently the issue still isn't solved. After reports of more food safety issues and norovirus broke a few weeks ago, the stock plummeted to the lowest levels it's seen since 2013.

In this week's episode of Industry Focus: Consumer Goods, Motley Fool analysts Dylan Lewis and Sarah Priestley talk about how Chipotle could recover from this, and the most important numbers that listeners should be watchful for in their earnings report this week.

Also, the hosts look at Lululemon's (NASDAQ: LULU) climb back to the top after their fall from grace in early 2017, Michael Kors' (NYSE: KORS) acquisition of fashion company Jimmy Choo, and more.

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