How Do Metaverse Mortgages Work?

As metaverse platforms continue to increase in popularity and unimproved virtual lands become more and more scarce, prices are going through the roof. A basic property that might have cost a few hundred dollars in Decentraland this time last year is now easily fetching $10,000.

With that kind of price appreciation, largely driven by a combination of demand and scarcity, many smaller businesses are understandably wondering if they're going to be left behind in the metaverse revolution (also known as "Web3"). Although renting space in popular metaverse platforms is still on the table, many see buying metaverse lands as a solid investment as well as a branding tool.

But how can small businesses get into the market when the market may demand tens of thousands of dollars of cash upfront that they simply don't have in the budget? The answer is simple: metaverse mortgages.

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