How GXO Logistics Is Beating Inflation

Inflation is roiling the economy, with consumer prices up nearly 10% since a year ago in both the U.S. and Europe. The stock market had its worst first half in more than 50 years, and retail giants like Walmart are slashing profit guidance due to inflation weighing on consumer discretionary spending.

In this environment, with fears of a recession swirling around much of the global economy, you might expect GXO Logistics (NYSE: GXO), the world's biggest pure-play contract logistics company, to be experiencing headwinds. But its second-quarter earnings report showed everything except that.

Organic revenue in the quarter was up 20% year over year, leading overall revenue to jump 15% to $2.16 billion, ahead of estimates at $2.11 billion. (A foreign currency headwind explains the difference between organic and reported revenue.) On the bottom line, adjusted earnings per share jumped 55% to $0.68, beating estimates at $0.62.

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