How Much Should You Be Investing in Stocks Right Now?

The stock market has always been a roller coaster ride, but this year has been particularly volatile. Earlier this year, the S&P 500 experienced its worst quarter since 2008. However, the market has rebounded over the last couple of months, and the S&P 500 recently recovered its losses and turned positive for the year.

Some experts say that another crash is looming, though, which could be devastating to investors who have already watched their portfolios plummet once this year. Some people may be tempted to avoid investing in stocks altogether for fear of losing money, while others may try to capitalize on an upcoming recession by investing more heavily in stocks.

There is a possibility of playing it too safe or too risky. During times of market volatility, it's especially important to make sure you're not investing too much (or too little) in stocks.

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