How Will Disney+ Weather the Post-Mandalorian Phase?

Disney's (NYSE: DIS) entry into the world of on-demand streaming has gone pretty smoothly thus far. Some opening-day hiccups aside, Disney+ has met (and perhaps more often outperformed) expectations in the early going. But coming out of the gate fast and demonstrating staying power are two very different things, and Disney+ is entering a new phase of its life.

Disney+ owes its existence to Disney's massive stash of media content, including properties acquired in Disney's merger with 21st Century Fox. But Disney+ also ushered in a more fractured and competitive market in streaming, in which subscription churn seems destined to be the norm and new exclusives are a crucial means of differentiation. Disney+ launched with one marquee original series: The Mandalorian, the first live-action television show ever set in the Star Wars universe. The first season met with success, but it has since wrapped up its first season -- leaving Disney+ without fresh episodes for the first time since its launch.

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