How to Deal With a Much Younger Boss

Though age and experience don't necessarily go hand in hand, it's often the case that folks who work their way to the top are older, seasoned employees. At the same time, these days, it's not uncommon for younger employees to rapidly rise to the top of the chain -- especially in start-up environments, where 20-somethings are likely to get in on the ground floor. Throw in the fact that millennials are expected to make up 35% of the global workforce by 2020, and there's a good chance you might wind up in the position of working for a boss who's considerably younger than you are.

Of course, answering to a manager who's 20 years your junior is easier said than done. It's natural to harbor feelings of resentment to see someone much younger get promoted before you do, and it can also, frankly, be a bit uncomfortable. Still, it's imperative that you make the best of the situation, for your own sake as well as that of your career. Here's how to cope with a much younger boss, and help things run smoothly for both of you.


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