How to Get Hired After a Botched Job Interview

Perhaps you showed up late to an interview after underestimating how bad traffic would be. Or maybe you got tripped up by a particularly tough question, and things went downhill from that point. No matter what happened, if you're convinced you blew your last interview, then you have two choices: give up on the job, or take steps to salvage the situation.

If it's a job you're not particularly interested in, then you might opt to keep your head down and move on. But if the role in question was truly a dream opportunity, it pays to fight for that job and see if you can overcome that bad interview. Here's how.

If you came into your interview totally unprepared, then it's pretty clear that your problem boiled down to a lack of research. But if you did everything you were supposed to do and faltered nonetheless, then it's time to replay those scenes in your head and figure out why things went badly.

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