How to Invest in Starbucks for Less Than the Cost of a Cup of Coffee

Whether you're a fan of Starbucks (NASDAQ: SBUX) or not, the coffee giant has had a pretty good year. Its stock price is up almost 49% over the past year, and as of this writing, it's sitting at about $115 a share.

Now to be clear, you can buy shares of Starbucks for a lot less money than many other companies out there. But what if you don't have $115 on hand to invest right now? What if you only have a very small amount of money that you're able to transfer into your brokerage account?

The good news is that it's possible to invest in stocks with very little money. Here's how you can own a piece of Starbucks, even if you can't afford much more than the price of one of its lattes.

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