How to Pick the Best Stocks to Buy During The Coronavirus Sell-Off

When the going gets tough, it's time to go shopping. Easier said than done, though. For many investors, the question that's been grappled with is whether or not to sell stocks. At this point after the market's awful run in March 2020, selling out and calling it quits would -- in most circumstances -- be a mistake.

But for those investors with at least a few years to wait things out and the resolve to pull the trigger, the market is awash in bargains. A lot of attention gets paid to a company's sales momentum. While growth is most certainly an important factor, it's only one way to whittle down the field of best stocks to buy during the COVID-19 crisis.

Every economic crisis is different, so while dusting off the old playbook will yield some old ideas that work once more -- big-box store retailers like Walmart (NYSE: WMT), for example -- the current pandemic is creating a new set of circumstances for which investors need to be prepared. Specifically, in a world that was already headed the way of digital, that movement just got a big boost from shelter-in-place and work-from-home orders.

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