How to Retire With $2 Million On a $60,000 Salary

News flash: You don't need a huge salary to retire a multimillionaire. Don't get me wrong -- amassing a $2 million nest egg isn't easy. If it were, everyone would be living the good life in retirement. But saving up an impressive nest egg is possible, and I'm going to tell you how.

First, know that you'll have to forgo some indulgences in your working life. This doesn't mean you can't eat out or subscribe to Netflix. But you will spend more conservatively than most people you know. And you might need extra resolve to listen politely to friends' stories of new cars, kitchen remodels, and tropical vacations.

The good news is that these roles will switch later in life. Stick to your wealth plan and you'll be living your best life in retirement. And the friends who were less disciplined about saving will likely have less freedom and security.

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