How to Turn $25,000 Into $1 Million by Retirement

Accumulating wealth and growing your portfolio's value over the years isn't difficult. The biggest obstacle in investing is often the desire to try to beat the markets and score a big return in a short time period. This is why meme stocks are so popular, as the focus is often on doubling or tripling your money quickly. The strategy, however, potentially comes at a steep price, as it adds significant risk for investors.

But if you're patient and willing to invest in an exchange-traded fund (ETF), that can be a safer, more surefire way to end up with a great return. Below, I'll show you how investing $25,000 today into a low-risk ETF with minimal fees can be a path to get your portfolio to $1 million by the time you retire.

The S&P 500 is full of the best and safest stocks you can invest in. Its composition changes over time, so you don't have to worry about picking individual stocks yourself. That's a key benefit of investing in an index that tracks the S&P 500 -- you can forget about the investment and still know that years down the road, you'll have exposure to the top stocks in the world, even if you aren't familiar with all of them.

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