IBM Now Has 100 Quantum Computing Customers

It will likely be many years before quantum computing is widely used for real-world applications. While traditional computers operate on bits which are either 0 or 1, a quantum computer's qubits exist as some combination of those two states. This opens up the possibility of doing certain types of calculations exponentially faster than a traditional computer, but it also introduces a wide array of challenges that must be overcome.

International Business Machines (NYSE: IBM) is one of the tech companies leading the way on quantum computing. IBM now offers cloud-based access to 15 quantum computers for clients to explore potential applications for the technology, including an industry-leading 53-qubit system.

While quantum computing is a long way from being a meaningful revenue-generating business for IBM, the company is growing its customer base. On Wednesday, IBM announced that over 100 organizations are now working with the company's quantum computers. These include major companies, research labs, and start-ups.

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