If I Could Buy Only 1 Warren Buffett Stock for 2021, This Would Be It

I trounced Warren Buffett this year. No, the Oracle of Omaha and I didn't get into a wrestling match or anything like that. However, my investment portfolio handily beat Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-A) (NYSE: BRK-B) performance in 2020.

Am I getting a big head about my win over the billionaire? Not at all. Most investors likely blew past Berkshire's measly gain this year. I also realize that one year of outperformance (or even a few years) doesn't hold a candle to Buffett's long-term track record.

The truth is that Buffett remains a legend in the investing world. It pays to stay abreast of the stocks that he likes. I personally own several stocks in Berkshire's portfolio -- including Berkshire itself. But if I could buy only one Warren Buffett stock for 2021, it would have to be Amazon.com (NASDAQ: AMZN).

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Source Fool.com