If You Have $2,000, You Should Buy These 4 Stocks Now

What investors have witnessed over the past four weeks is nothing short of the most unprecedented volatility ever seen in the stock market.

Over a 19-session stretch between Feb. 24 and March 19, the 123-year-old Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJINDICES: ^DJI) registered nine of its 11 largest point declines in history, as well as five of its six biggest single-day point increases. Aside from just nominal point moves, the Dow also recorded two its five largest single-day percentage declines in history.

For short-term traders it's been like walking through a minefield. But for long-term-oriented investors, the unfortunate spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has created an incredible opportunity to buy into high-quality businesses on the cheap. Remember, no matter how dismal the outlook of every previous correction or bear market, the major stock indexes have eventually pushed to new highs on the back of bull-market rallies. That'll be the case with this steep drop-off in equity valuations, too.

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Source Fool.com