If You Invested $10,000 in Berkshire Hathaway in 1997, This Is How Much You Would Have Today

The recent excitement about artificial intelligence and its world-changing potential reminds me of the internet's earliest days almost 30 years ago. Go back to the late 1990s when investor euphoria over the internet caused a technology stock bubble.

While it eventually popped, many of today's largest companies, such as Amazon, rose from those ashes and created mind-blowing investment returns over the years, eventually carrying the S 500 index to new heights.

Ironically, Warren Buffett, who has traditionally avoided technology during his years of leading Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A) (NYSE: BRK.B), has outperformed the S 500 over these past several decades. Had you invested $10,000 in Berkshire in 1997, you would have $117,000 today, compared to $84,000 with the S 500 -- including dividends, which Berkshire doesn't pay.

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