If You Own These 3 Growth Stocks, You Might Want to Rethink Your Position

Nano-X Imaging (NASDAQ: NNOX), DermTech (NASDAQ: DMTK), and Viking Therapeutics (NASDAQ: VKTX) are healthcare growth stocks with plenty of potential, little revenue, and a boatload of risk.

Share prices of Nano-X are up more than 150% this year, DermTech is up more than 70%, and Viking's shares are up 138%. The problem I have with all three companies is that while they offer disruptive products that could cause a paradigm shift in their industries, much of that potential has already been priced into their stocks. Add in the fact that none of the companies is profitable and you have a very real potential to see these inflated share prices come back to Earth in a painful deflation.

Let's look at why owners of these three stocks might want to rethink their positions.

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Source Fool.com