If You'd Invested $10,000 in Walmart Stock 10 Years Ago, Here's How Much You'd Have Today

It can be interesting to play what-if games with the stock market. We all probably know that the answer to "What if I'd bought $10,000 of stock in Apple 10 years ago?" will be a huge sum. Indeed, you'd have more than about $95,000 -- and more than around $100,000 had you reinvested dividends.

With many other companies, though, the answer isn't such a guarantee. So here's a look at where you'd be today if you'd socked $10,000 into shares of (NYSE: WMT) a decade ago.

The answer is less exciting: You'd have around $29,500 -- or around $32,800 if you'd reinvested dividends (as of June 17). That probably still seems like a respectable gain, but it actually lags the overall stock market as measured by the S&P 500. The S 500 would have turned your $10,000 into $30,700 or $33,400, depending on whether you'd reinvested dividends. In fact, shares of Walmart lagged the S 500 over the past five years and 15 years, too.

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Source Fool.com