If You'd Invested $1,000 in MercadoLibre 10 Years Ago, Here's How Much You'd Have Today

Here's an interesting question: If you'd invested a mere $1,000 in shares of (NASDAQ: MELI) a decade ago, what would they be worth today? The answer will either thrill or annoy you, depending on whether you've owned the stock for those years: $20,605. That's an annualized growth rate of 35.3%! In comparison, the S 500 index averaged 11.7% annually, turning $1,000 into $3,011.

That information is all well and good, but it doesn't really help anyone who owns the stock today or who's thinking of becoming an investor in MercadoLibre. That's because as investors, we need to look ahead much more than we look backward.

The important question is where MercadoLibre is likely to go from here. Is it seemingly undervalued, with sustainable competitive advantages, and still growing briskly? Then it's likely worth buying and/or holding. Is it seemingly overvalued after all that growth and/or facing some challenges? Then perhaps sell or hang on while keeping an eye on the company.

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Source Fool.com