If a New Bull Market Is Coming, Don't Make This Expensive Mistake

Whether or not we're already in a bull market depends on your definition of what a bull market is. To those who define a new bull market as a 20% gain from a bear market low, yes, the S&P 500 technically began a new bull market last month. Others are looking for a few more signs that the current rally's got long-term legs (like setting new all-time highs).

One thing is for sure, though. This could be the beginning of a new bull market, and we'll definitely be starting a new one sooner or later.

That's a prospect that's too big to ignore, especially if you're still on the sidelines holding tons of cash and not a lot of (or any) stocks. You're seemingly avoiding risk, but the bigger risk right now may actually be not being fully invested.

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Source Fool.com