Ignore AMC: Here Are 3 Better Stocks

It's happening again. Reddit retail investors are continuing to supercharge market mayhem over AMC Entertainment Holdings (NYSE: AMC). AMC's business has been beaten down by the pandemic and is struggling to stay financially afloat, but retail traders motivated by meme-stock mania have driven shares of the company up by nearly 1,760% over the past six months alone. And despite the fact that AMC's leadership has made multiple bids in recent months to issue new rounds of shares in the hopes of pumping life into the company's flailing financials, retail investors have consistently put a stop to these efforts.

The end result? At this point, who can say? AMC may recover from pandemic headwinds in time. But at the moment, its artificially high stock price is just that -- and retail investors continue to muzzle management to the point that the company's prospects as a viable long-term investment seem to be fading fast.

Long-term investors shouldn't buy stocks based on hype, but should instead focus on high-quality companies with strong competitive advantages that can drive consistent, durable growth. If you've been tempted to buy into the AMC hype, here are three better stocks to consider that can enrich your portfolio for years to come.

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Source Fool.com