Illumina's CEO Was Just Ousted: Should Investors Buy In Now or Steer Clear?

On June 11, the gene sequencing giant Illumina (NASDAQ: ILMN) announced that its CEO, Francis deSouza, resigned after a tenure of roughly 10 years and that the company would start looking for a replacement. The market's reaction was muted, and it's unclear whether deSouza's as-yet-unknown successor will opt to take the business's strategy in another direction. 

Still, over the last 10 years, the 201% total return of its shares lagged the market's return of 222%, so new leadership could bring a breath of fresh air for shareholders who are aching for growth. But it'll be hard for the company to make a clean break from its recent shambolic attempted acquisition of Grail, even with a new leader at the helm.

So should investors think about the possibility of greener pastures to come as part of a justification for a purchase of this stock, or take care to avoid the risk of its further dysfunction?

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