I'm Buying These 3 Resilient Stocks During the Bear Market

Volatility has been plentiful in recent months, leading some to conclude we're on the verge of another bear market. A pessimistic as things may seem, the truth is that the S&P 500 is still near all-time highs, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq is down just 5%. Since it takes a 20% decline from recent highs before we enter bear market territory, we still have a long way to go.

That said, it pays to be prepared. One way to do that is having a shopping list on hand for the stock market crash, ready to press the buy button. When the next bear market hits, I'll be looking for resilient stocks that can stand the test of time. Buying a company with a virtually unshakable business, an industry leader with a dedicated fan base, or one with a vault chock-full of intellectual property would all be smart moves.

Let's look at three companies that fit these criteria and why they have a prominent place on my buy list.

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Source Fool.com