I'm Out of Work Due to COVID-19. Should I Claim Social Security Early and (Maybe) Undo It Later?

Tens of millions of U.S. workers have lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and unfortunately, older Americans have not been spared from the layoffs. If you're among them, you may be looking ahead to next month, when unemployment benefits are set to drop back to their normal, unenhanced levels, and worrying that you won't be able to cover your bills. And if you're at least 62 years old, that may be leading you to think it might just be time claim Social Security.

Conveniently, if you're eligible for both, you can receive both benefits at once.

Though you won't be entitled to your full monthly Social Security benefit unless you wait to claim at your full retirement age -- which, depending on your birth year lands somewhere between 66 and 67 -- you are allowed to start taking it at 62, albeit at a reduced rate.

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Source Fool.com