Intel: Will Fortune Favor the Bold?

Shareholders of Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) are going through a stressful time; shares have fallen to a five-year low despite the company's role as one of the world's leading semiconductor companies. The stock's plunge stems from Wall Street's concerns over Intel's aggressive manufacturing plans at a time when the economy is shaky and the industry could hit a downturn.

Leaning into uncertainty with hefty spending plans is a bold strategy, but success could bring a new age of growth to the semiconductor giant. However, investors might need patience to see this through; here is what you need to know.

Intel is just getting underway with a massive plan to invest billions of dollars over the next several years to revamp its fabrication (semiconductor manufacturing) operations. The company could spend more than $100 billion when it's all said and done, including expansion projects in Arizona, new facilities in Ohio, and various projects throughout Europe.

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