Investing $50 Weekly Could Grow Your Portfolio to $500,000 in 30 Years

Don't have a lot of money to invest in stocks? Even putting aside $50 a week can be enough to help save for retirement -- provided that you have many investing years left. You don't need to take on aggressive strategies along the way, and you can even invest in an exchange-traded fund (ETF) to help take the guesswork out of worrying if you've picked the right stocks or not.

If you were to save $50 per week for 30 years, you would have amassed a total of $78,000 during that time. But to make the most of that money, you'd be better off investing it. At an average growth rate of 10% per year (roughly what the S&P 500 averages), those contributions could be worth close to $500,000 -- more than six times what you saved.

It's all possible through compound interest if you let your money grow over time. Here's how those investments could rise in value:

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