Investing in This ETF Right Now Could Make You a Millionaire Retiree

Retiring with a million dollars is a good goal. A larger or smaller sum might work well for you, but for many, if not most, of us, a million dollars will go far. If you apply the flawed-but-still-useful 4% rule to it, withdraw 4% of that million dollars in your first year of retirement, and adjust the withdrawal for inflation in each successive year, the money stands a good chance of supporting you for several decades. And that first 4% withdrawal will be... $40,000.

So how can you amass $1 million by retirement? Well, there are many paths to get there, and one of them is investing in an exchange-traded fund (ETF) (or two) that can grow effectively for you over the long run. Here's a look at some such ETFs.

Image source: Getty Images.

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