Investing in Your 20s: 5 ETFs to Watch

Are you in your 20s and anxious about investing? Don't be! In fact, if you're still at a relatively young age, you're better positioned than anyone else to invest for a happy and prosperous retirement. At that age, shying away from stocks and investing can actually be counterproductive to your long-term financial stability.

Even if you don't have very much investable money today, saving and investing even a little bit early on can provide large dividends -- literally and figuratively -- down the road. That's because time is the most important concept in investing, thanks to the miracle of compound interest, which Albert Einstein described as the eighth wonder of the world. And if you're young, not only do you have the luxury of time, but you also have the luxury of being very aggressive in your investing style early on. That's because if, say, a high-risk, high-reward investment doesn't work out, you still have time to make up for it with a lifetime of wages to come.

But are you still intimidated by picking individual stocks? Don't worry -- there are myriads of different exchange-traded funds (ETFs) out there that can give you broad exposure to certain sectors, styles, indexes, and/or risk-reward profiles to meet your investing goals, and usually with very low fees.

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