Investors Could Be Underestimating Netflix's Biggest Growth Opportunity

After growing like a weed during the pandemic-induced lockdowns, Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) fell on hard times. The combination of tough year-over-year comparisons and slowing growth, plus an ill-timed price increase, sent the streaming platform's rampant growth into reverse, shedding nearly 1.2 million subscribers during the first six months of 2022.

Yet even as 2.4 million net new subscribers showed up in the third quarter, Netflix stock sat well below its all-time highs, down 55% since late last year. While the bear market and the economic uncertainty are no doubt contributing factors, investors appear to be factoring in much slower future growth for the streaming pioneer. While understandable, this analysis seems to ignore the company's biggest growth opportunity.

Image source: Getty Images.

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