Investors Flocked to Bonds in 2022, and BlackRock Was a Big Winner

Stocks had a rough time in 2022, but one asset class that Wall Street piled into was bonds. As inflation hit 40-year highs, the Federal Reserve aggressively raised interest rates at the fastest pace in decades.

This has made bonds more attractive than they've been in years, and many investors piled into investments with BlackRock (NYSE: BLK). BlackRock has built up a vast array of investment choices, making it easy for investors to target particular assets in a challenging market environment. Here's why BlackRock has become the go-to investment manager in the bear market.

Interest rates surged in 2022, reaching levels we haven't seen in roughly 15 years. These higher interest rates have attracted investors to fixed-income products, which broadly refer to investments that pay a fixed rate until maturity. The most common types of fixed-income products include government bonds, corporate bonds, and municipal bonds. 

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