Is 2022 Really the Time to Be Buying Stocks?

If you invest at all, you've probably noticed that your portfolio is significantly smaller than it was at the start of the year. Year to date, the S&P 500 was down by about 9% at the close of trading Tuesday -- and many growth stocks were down by much more than that. Consider a stock like Block (NYSE: SQ): It's off by more than 30% year to date, and has lost more than 55% since Nov. 1.

On Monday, the market went on a particularly wild ride: The Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted more than 1,000 points during the session, only to recover and finish the day slightly up. But then the market was down again in early trading on Tuesday. Some major indexes dipped into correction territory -- defined as a decline of 10% or more -- as the Nasdaq Composite is down about 13% year-to-date. The S&P 500 was down about 9% year to date as of Tuesday morning, and the Dow was down about 6%.

Given all this volatility, investors may be wondering what to do with their portfolios. Is this a good time to be buying? Or should you be selling?

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