Is Brookfield Renewable Partners a Buy?

The world still needs carbon fuels, but the big investment direction is clearly toward clean energy. That's exactly the opportunity Brookfield Renewable Partners (NYSE: BEP) is taking advantage of. Investors can tag along for the ride as this limited partnership helps make the world more green, collecting a generous and growing distribution along the way. There's a lot to like here.

From a big-picture perspective, Brookfield Renewable Partners is a partnership that owns clean energy assets. But there's more to the story than that. That's because its general partner, the company that handles day-to-day operations, is Brookfield Asset Management (NYSE: BAM). Although Brookfield Renewable has only been a public entity since 2011, Brookfield Asset Management has been overseeing infrastructure investments for more than 100 years. There's a lot more experience here than first meets the eye. 

Image source: Getty Images.

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