Sometimes you can't fight the market; a company can do everything right, but it might not matter if the market's throwing out the metaphorical baby with the bath water. Fortunately, that can mean an excellent opportunity for a savvy investor, picking up quality stocks that are on sale for no reason other than everything else is falling.

Cloud observability company Datadog (NASDAQ: DDOG) is checking the boxes that make a great company and investment over the long term. Yet the stock has fallen more than 60% from its peak. I'll dive into what makes Datadog a stock worth considering and outline why now is a great time to think about adding it to your diversified portfolio.

Software is increasingly moving to the cloud. Back in the day, a company would buy software and install it individually on every computer using it. But cloud-based software is different; users can access it through the internet, which makes it easier to implement across a company and can be updated in real-time. However, executing various applications and getting them to work together can be a challenging task.

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