Is Disney World the New Netflix?

Mention Walt Disney (NYSE: DIS) and Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) in the same conversation, and it's easy to draw comparisons of one learning from the other. Disney+ has emerged as a rival to Netflix by rapidly building out a catalog of proprietary content. Netflix is starting to rip a page out of the Disney playbook by acquiring intellectual properties, like the recent purchase of Roald Dahl's classic works

Imitation isn't just the sincerest form of flattery: It's often the easiest path to achieve financial success. One of the reasons Netflix is so popular -- with more than 209 million paying subscribers around the world -- is that it knows your viewing habits perhaps even better than you. Netflix leans on machine learning to power its recommendation algorithms and shape its future content deals. Disney now is in a position to follow suit, but not just for the rapidly ascending Disney+ streaming service. New tech is about to raise the bar of what a recommendations engine can do at its theme parks. 

Image source: Disney.

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