It is, or was, arguably the epitome of Wall Street. Not only is it a name most people recognize, but it's a company that often serves as the investment banking industry's gold standard.

Today's Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS), though, isn't the Goldman Sachs of yesteryear. Aside from the fact that long-tenured and well-loved Lloyd Blankfein stepped down as CEO a little over a year ago, public offerings are slowing down. Indeed, the overall global economy appears to be decelerating, acting as a headwind for all of the organization's business lines. Not even its powerful name can repair the failing environment in which it has to operate.

The value argument holds enough water. The stock's valued at less than 10 times the company's trailing per-share profits and sports a forward-looking P/E of less than 10, as well. The dividend yield of just under 2.3% isn't too shabby, either. Shares of rival banking corporations JPMorgan Chase cost more, while those of Bank of America yield less.

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